Gun Control:

Now this is a serious and highly controversial subject – on both sides. The liberals maintain that stringent gun control laws will solve the “gun crime rate problem.” The anti gun control people maintain that gun control laws are ineffectual and only deprive law abiding citizens of their right to own and carry firearms.
So far, so good! Well, the liberals haven’t quite explained why places like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. – that have the Nation’s most stringent gun control laws - have the Nations highest “shooting crime rates.” Could it be that (maybe) the “bad guys” aren’t liberals; that (maybe) the “bad guys” don’t pay any attention to the laws; and that (maybe) the “bad guys” are really appreciative that the “good guys” in their business areas don’t have guns? Heck, if I were a “bad guy” I would much rather ply my trade in a place where I was the only one armed!!! Ha, kind of a no-brainer, don’t you think!
Now, for the plus side, the Media loves this controversy, it gives them something to rant and rave about, thus getting their ratings higher. Yes, scaring the public is always good business for the media.
The politicians love this subject, too. They can appear to be saving their people by making their people believe everything will be safe and sound – once they pass another law. (It’s a shame that it hasn’t actually happened yet, though.)
Now, sort of a problem; the “bad guys” will probably never be converted to true “liberalism” and, thus, will remain using guns. And, the Government (Local, State or Federal) will never be able to protect anyone from determined, armed “bad guys.” But, to give them credit, the Government/Police will do a hell of a job investigating these types of crimes - after the fact, well, sometimes---
My theory is that the liberals have convinced enough people (enough to pass stupid laws) that someone else (meaning the Government/Police) will take care and protect them; that no one should have to (or be allowed to) defend themselves. This has great appeal for our basic cowardly citizens, out there, that are scared to death that some day they might actually have to defend themselves. Hmmmm, personally, I think of this as promoting a “false sense of security!”
Rule #1. If you give a boy a cap-gun when he's young, he'll probably grow up to be a homicidal maniac.
Rule #2. B-B Guns can put your eye out!
My Solution:
To be truly safe, I recommend that all frightened liberals (scared of “bad guys” and especially guns) do what many of the wealthy liberals, politicians and celebrities do – hire armed security people to protect and defend your property and family members.
Note: Be prepared, these people will probably not be liberals.
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