
We have a lot of politicians that seem to forget why they are in “public office”, or more correctly, why they were voted into office. After getting there it apparently becomes a full time effort to remain there – it’s a good job and pays well!
One aspect that really pisses me off (ooops, I bet I offended someone) is that most politicians will say and do just about anything to keep their “positions”, even when it means the American people lose out! One political technique they use that really irritates me is when they (both parties) disagree on an important issue. Now remember, they must disagree because that’s what makes them different parties – different parties can’t agree on the same issue; it’s a rule. Anyway, to save their bacon (and keep their jobs) they do things like “look for middle ground”, “search for a political compromise”, or just plain “do the politically correct thing!” By doing either of these things both parties can walk away claiming some kind of victory – thus, allowing their constituents to think they are working very hard; even though nothing substantial or real was actually accomplished.
Yep, that’s what gets them their votes!
My Solution:
To start, have limited terms in office. Too many of our “elected officials” have been there too long, have lost touch with the real world, and have more power than God. Oooops, can I still say “God”!
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