Political Correctness (PC):

Due to PC we now have LAWS that allow Police to stop your car, to see if you’ve been drinking – I might add, without “probable cause” (which they used to have to have).
Several States are trying to pass new laws to make it required that “the State” prove you guilty – in court – instead of an individual having to prove their innocence in court. Gee, what happened to the old “presumption of innocence”?
Oh, that’s right; some bleeding hearts got some PC laws passed for the good of someone less fortunate, or something!!
Then, we now have the problem of not knowing which words are correct to use, or not correct to use, in public. This gets very confusing, since some are allowed to use those words while others are not allowed to use the same words.
Geee, why wouldn't we want anyone that can’t/won’t learn English to vote for American politicians? Congress (The House) just passed a Bill requiring States to offer multiple language voting ballots. Hmmmm, do you think they’ll pass a law making it a mandatory requirement that all politicians must be at least bilingual? If they aren’t, how will they understand the people that voted them in?
Then, one of my favorites; instead of saying things like “you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant at 14”, or “you should have waited until you could afford to get married”, we now hear phrases such as “I’m a single, working Mom” - as some type of “badge of courage” - requiring special treatment. Yep, let’s reward stupidity, ignorance and selfishness – they have rights, too!!!!!!!!
And, last but not least. If the liberals want Gay Marriage to be legal, because it’s the fair thing to do, then it seems to me that anyone claiming to be bisexual should be allowed to marry “one of each!”
Caution: Listening to Blue Grass music could be dangerous to one's “liberalism.” Studies have indicated that listening to Blue Grass music may make one want to be an American and even to be Patriotic!
My Solution:
Find all laws passed for purely PC reasons since 1962, revoke them and start all over again – and this time do it right!
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