Regulatory Agencies:

Now here’s a great concept, government regulatory agencies are/were created to help “the people.” What’s actually happened is that they exploit the people they are supposed to be helping by passing laws benefiting important industries, politically powerful individuals and large companies – so they can make huge “bucks” from the public. But, they also get their own rewards for doing this important work – while helping the people (hee hee) they create taxes, fees, penalties and fines that help support government agencies.
Ever wonder why it’s legal for airlines to “overbook” flights; why financial/lending institutions can legally do things (financial/lending practices) that if a private citizen would do - would put them in jail; or pass laws that make them exempt from laws they require the poor, ignorant, unwashed citizenship to follow? (By the way, the last example is also applicable to Congress and the Senate!)
Now, lets’ take the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), for instance. With all their GS-14, 15 and 16 lawyers, accountants and economists, how did ENRON ever get away with all their corruption, for so long? Makes you kind of wonder what they were doing while ENRON was ripping off their own employees----- Let’s see, probably going to lots of “power lunches”, attending a marathon of meetings, writing new Rules (to protect – someone), and then there are the internal awards ceremonies. Yep, the Government loves to give out awards to their “deserving” employees! Remember, "the Government will protect us!"
My Solution:
Allow citizens to decide (select on their tax forms) what percentage of their tax dollars they would like to go to specific government agencies, groups, organizations, etc.
"At the end of the day" any agency, group or organization not getting enough money to operate on – dissolve them! (Yeah, right, this’ll happen.)
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