Immigration: Points to Ponder
Okay, I see on the Network News, nightly, that we’re experiencing some difficulties with “South of the Border” people entering our country illegally. This little problem is compounded by these people exhausting our taxpayer supported benefits such as our hospitals, schools, welfare support systems, etc.; committing an assortment of crimes; and making it a requirement for Americans to speak Spanish while ordering fast food!
So, what do we do? First, we allow bleeding heart, politically-correct liberals' National TV air time to explain that we –
I love it when I hear the part about how these poor people just wanting a better life, to assimilate and to become Americans, blah, blah, and blah! However, many don’t seem to want to do things like pay taxes, follow our laws, or even learn English. Now, is this the true definition of “assimilation”?
A challenge: I dare any U.S. Liberal to walk through an
Oh, I forgot, they (illegal aliens) do want to VOTE here, though – that’s what makes them popular with our elected officials! Ha, with several million potential votes, I doubt that our elected officials will want to “offend” any of these people!
We, being civilized, even allow these illegal immigrants to stage protests, have rallies while expounding on how horrible things are for them in the
I know, I’m being too judgmental, I don’t know what I’m talking about, and I’m not politically correct enough, etc. Okay, then explain why we now have a huge problem with Hispanic gangs in our cities, towns, schools, jails, and prisons? Why are we now enjoying an increase in crimes involving “machetes”; did some kid in
In conclusion:
Theodore Roosevelt once stated that the biggest problem facing the future of the
We seem to be violating both!
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